Clip Summary

A hot and dreary day in the hive leaves Stubber kicking around the local watering hole but after a few drams things may not be what they seem…

More covid-19 quarantined collaborative creative challenge videos

The group of friends I play tabletop games with regularly has had a bit of a dryspell lately due to the quarantine.

We took this opportunity after having started working on the Griff Stubber series to do some digital shorts as a fun collaborative challenge despite being apart.

A few rules:

  1. Each of us has to write a 1 minute film noir style script in a Necromundan/futuristic hive city setting
  2. Our definitely-not-coerced resident voice actor and gaming compatriot Garrett would have to read the lines and send them (iPhone voice memos, yay!)
  3. If the script had any characters that I didn’t have pics of they had to be provided (simple iPhone pics on a white background, yay!)
  4. The whole video had to be made from scratch and uploaded within 24 hours of getting the script

This video is a “Short Round” – a collection of one-off videos that aren’t necessarily part of the grander narrative.